18 Dec 2019

HSSC Clerk Result & Document Scrutiny Schedule Advt. 5/2019 Cat. 01

Result of Written Examination and Notice to candidates for Scrutiny Of Documents for the post of Clerk For Various Department/ Corporation/ Boards, Haryana Against Advt. No. 05/2019, Cat No. 01

Haryana Staff Selection Commission declared the HSSC Clerk Exam result against Advt. 5/2019 category No. 01 held on 21.09.2019, 22.09.2019 and 23.09.2019

Result is available on the official website of the Commission. Candidates can download the same from the website i.e. www.hssc.gov.in 

Documents Scrutiny Schedule-

The Scrutiny of Documents of the candidates will be held from 07.01.2020 to 20.01.2020. 
The candidates are advised to report at 09.00 A.M. in Tau Devi Lal Stadium, Panchkula. They are also directed to bring all original documents, set of self attested copies of all documents, one ID Proof and copy of downloaded application form

2. The Written Result of candidates bearing Roll numbers 9990788724, 9991431648 and 9990118733 will be declared later on.

3. In case a candidate does not appear for Scrutiny of Documents, no further opportunity will be given thereafter.

To download Result- Click here

Detailed Document Scrutiny Schedule-

ln continuation of notice dated 18.12.2019 for Scrutiny of Documents, it is notified for information of the candidates for the posts Clerk, Cat. no. 01, against Advt. No. 05/2019 of various Board/Corporations and Departments of Haryana state, Schedule of Scrutiny of Documents is mentioned below-




9990000006 to 9990107880 = 09:00 A.M. 
9990108148 to 9990196275 = 12:00 Noon


9990196350 to 9990283571 = 09:00 A.M. 
9990283706 to 9990337757 = 12:00 Noon


9990337772 to 9990383129 = 09:00 A.M. 
9990383375 to 9990428025 = 12:00 Noon


9990428098 to 9990472754 = 09:00 A.M.
9990472938 to 9990515840 = 12:00 Noon 


9990515866 to 9990566165 = 09:00 A.M. 
9990566235 to 9990611782 = 12:00 Noon 


999061 1784 to 9990660271 = 09:00 A.M. 
9990560312 to 9990713215 = 12:00 Noon 


9990713353 to 9990768821 = 09:00 A.M.
9990769115 to 9990824594 = 12:00 Noon 


9990824621 to 9990883382 = 09:00 A.M. 
9990883446 to 9990995113 = 12:00 Noon 


9990995150 to 9991158443 = 09:00 A.M. 
9991158998 to 9991234386 = 12:00 Noon


9991234425 to 9991272137 = 09:00 A.M. 
9991272138 to 9991308360 = 12:00 Noon 


9991308530 to 9991342930 = 09:00 A.M. 
9991342940 to 9991375589 = 12:00 Noon


9991375608 to 9991411154 = 09:00 A.M. 
9991411185 to 9991446846 = 12:00 Noon 


9991446892 to 9991485316 = 09:00 A.M. 
9991485397 to 9991510321 = 12:00 Noon

Instructions for filling online Scrutiny form: 

1. Click on "Fill Scrutiny form for the post of Clerk" on the website of HSSC i.e. hssc.gov.in
2. Fill the required fields as per original documents. lt is mandatory for the candidates to fill all the fields and upload original documents which are applicable to candidates. 
3. Take a printout after final submission of form. Before uploading the documents, candidate shall number the documents and shall mention total number of pages and total number of documents uploaded in the scrutiny form. 
4. Bring the signed scrutiny form with all original documents and application form at the time of document verification. 
5. On the top of scrutiny from serial no. Time slot, committee allotted to candidates will be mentioned and the candidates shall come accordingly.

To download Form for socio-economic criteria and others- Click here

Updated on 31.12.2019

Link for filling online Scrutiny form-

Link for filling online scrutiny form is available now on the official website of the Comisssion. Candidates can fill their particulars. 
For online Scrutiny form- Click here

Old Post 

HSSC Recruitment of Clerks-2019 Application Schedule, Eligibility, Required Documents, Written Test Syllabus, Admit Card, Previous Question Paper, Answer Key & Result. Advt. 05/2019

HSSC Clerk Bharti 2019

Online applications are invited by Haryana Staff Selection Commission for direct recruitment for 4858 posts of Clerks of Group-C through the URL address i.e http://adv52019.hryssc.in/StaticPages/HomePage.aspx from 24.06.2019 to 08.07.2019 till 11.59 P.M. 

Key Dates-

Date of publication- 20.06.2019 (Advertisement No. 5/2019)
Opening date for submission of online applications- 24.06.2019 
Closing date for submission of online application- 08.07.2019 (by 11:59PM) 
Closing date for deposit of fee 11.07.2019

Details of Posts

i. Name of Department- Various Departments/ Boards & Corporations 
ii. Cat. No. 1 
iii. No. of Posts- 4858 
Name of Post- Clerks. 
GEN.- 2354 
SC- 913 
BCA- 709 
BCB- 511 
EWS- 371 
Grand Total=4858

Essential Qualification:-

i) 10+2/10+2 First Division/Graduation or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University. 
ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.
Age: 17-42 years 
Pay Scale: 5200-20200+` 1900 (GP) Pre revised now Functional Pay Level 2 FPL Rs 19900.

Application Fee-

General Male/Female- 100/-
General Female (Haryana resident)- 50/-
SC/BC/EWS Candidates of Haryana State Male- 25/- 
SC/BC/EWS Candidates of Haryana State Female- 13/-
PwD (Person with Disability)/ExServiceman of Haryana- No Charges

Criteria for Selection, Examination & Syllabus. 

(i) The scheme of marks in respect of selection to the posts shall comprise of total 100 marks, as detailed below:
1. Written Exam 90 
2. Socio-Economic criteria and experience 10
(ii) The 90 marks of written examination shall be divided into to parts comprising:- 

Syllabus for Clerk Exam. 2019-

a) 75% weightage for General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and concerned or relevant subject, as applicable. 
b) 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana. 

(iii) The 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience shall be allocated as follows: 
a. if neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant’s family viz father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a regular employee in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/ Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India. (5 marks)
b. if the applicant is:- 
(i) a widow; or 
(ii) the first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years: or 
(iii) the first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years,”. (5 marks) 
c. If the applicant belongs to such a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class. (5 marks) 

d. Experience: 

One-half (=0.5) mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six month of experience, out of a maximum of sixteen years, on the same or a higher post in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana. No marks shall be awarded for any period less than six months. (A maximum of 8 marks) 
No applicant shall be given more than 10 marks for socio economic criteria and experience under any circumstances.

Examination Schedule: - 

The Examination either Online (CBT) or OMR Based is likely to be held from 22.07.2019 to 18.08.2019 & the date, time and place of examination will be as per admit card.

Regulatory Framework 

1. Certificate for an applicant whose father has died issued by Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar: Refer Annexure AI, AII. 
2. Widow Certificate issued by Tehsildar: Refer Annexure BI, BII
3. Vimuktjati and Tapriwasjati Certificate issued by Tehsildar: Refer Saralharyana.gov.in or Antyodaya Saral Centers at distt. Level or Tehsildar office. 
4. Experience Certificate issued by the concerned Appointing Authority: Refer Annexure D1. 
5. “Self-declaration in prescribed format :Refer Annexure E1 to be uploaded alongwith application form.”

Documents to be uploaded with Application Form (MANDATORY) 

1. Scanned Copy of Essential Academic Qualifications and Matriculation Certificate showing Date of Birth and other relevant details. 
2. Scanned Copy of SC/BCA/BCB/EWS/ESP/ESM/DESM/DFF/ PwD (Person with Disabilities) certificate alongwith Haryana domicile Certificate issued by competent authority. 
3. Scanned copy of Certificate claiming weightage/marks under socio-economic criteria and experience alongwith Haryana domicile Certificate issued by competent authority. 
4. Scanned Photo duly signed by the Candidate. 
5. Scanned signatures of the Candidate. 
6. Scanned copy of all documents showing higher qualification, experience etc. on which basis candidate claim marks.
For more info view original Advt.- Click here

HSSC Previous Question Paper Clerk

To download 1 Click here
To download 2 Click here
To download 3 Click here
To download 4 Click here
To download 5 Click here
To download 6 Click here

Updated on 20.01.2020

Notice for Scrutiny of Documents to Absentee Candidates for the post of Clerk against Advt. No. 5/2019 , Cat. No.01

HSSC has notified that in continuation of Notice dated 18.12.2019 to the Candidates for Scrutiny of Documents for the post Clerk against Advt. No. 05/2019, the Commission has decided to give last opportunity to absentee candidates for scrutiny of documents on 24.01.2020 who remained absent from 07.01.2020 to 20.01.2020 for Scrutiny of Documents. 

2. Any candidate with directions of Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court may also come for scrutiny of Documents on 24.01.2020 for the above said posts. Also, the candidates who have failed to submit any required document from 07.01.2020 to 20.01.2020 may also come.
3. The Candidates are also directed to bring all original documents, downloaded application form, along with one set of self attested copies of all documents mention ed in their application form and One ID proof and report at
9:00 A.M. in Tau Devi Lal Stadium, Sector- 3, Panchkula. 
To view original notice- Click here

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