7 Sept 2015

HSSC - Amended Police Rules Advt.No. 8/2015

Amended Punjab Police Rules for direct recruitment


(1) Application for direct appointment in the rank of Inspector and Sub-Inspector shall, at the discretion of the Inspector-General and range Deputy Inspectors-General, respectively, be referred to the Superintendent of the applicant’s home district for report in Form 12.6 (1). 
(2) No applicant shall be accepted as a candidate for direct appointment as Inspector or Sub Inspector who has not been certified as physically fit for service by a Civil Surgeon and who does not possess the following qualification:- 
(a) Good moral character. 
(b) Good physique and active habits. 
(c) He must not be, on or before the 1st day of February next preceding the date of submission of application to the Public Service Commission/Subordinate Service Selection Board less than 21 years and more than 27 years of age for the post of and Inspector or Assistant Sub-Inspector. 

Provided that the Legal Practitioners selected for appointment as prosecuting Sub-Inspectors, may be appointed upto 30 years of age: 
Provided further that the Inspector-General of Police may waive the maximum age limit in any case under special circumstances with prior consultation with Public Service Commission/Subordinate Services Selection Board. 
Provided further that relaxation upto 5 years in maximum age limit may be granted by the Director General of Police for recruitment of outstanding sports persons after recording reason in writing. 
Provided that the outstanding sportsperson must not be less than 18 years or more than 27 years of age. 

(d) A candidate for an Inspectorship or a Sub-Inspectorship should be a graduate of a recognised University; provided that the Inspector-General of Police may in special case dispense with the said qualification. 

(e) Applicant shall have a minimum height and chest measurement as under:- 

 Height Male-      5’-8” 
 Height Female-  5’-2” 
 Chest Male- 33” and with Expansion of 1.5” 

Provided that for the candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes categories, relaxation in Physical standard to the extent of one inch in height and one inch in chest measurement shall be given: 

Provided further that relaxation in chest and height measurement upto 3”may be granted by the Director General of Police for recruitment of outstanding sports persons after recording reasons in writing. 


Nationality, domicile and character of candidates:- 

(1) No person shall be appointed to the post of constable in Haryana Police, unless he is- 
(a) a citizen of India; or 
(b) a subject of Nepal; or 
(c) a subject of Bhutan; or 
(d) a Tibetan refugee who come over to India before the 1st January, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India; or 
(e) a person of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Shri Lanka or any of the East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zabia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia with the intension of permanently settling in India.: 

Provided that a person belonging to any of the categories (b), (c), (d) or (e) shall be a persons in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government. 

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eligibility in necessary may be admitted to an examination or interview conducted by the Selection Board, but the offer of appointed may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government. 
(3) No person shall be appointed to the post of constable, unless he produces a certificate of character from the Principal Academic officer of the University, Collage, School or institution last attended, if any, and similar certificate from two other responsible persons, not being his relatives who are well acquainted with him in his private life and are unconnected with his university, college, School or institution. 


Age, physical standards and academic qualifications:- 

(1) No persons shall be appointed to the post of constable by direct recruitment who is less than 18 years or more than 25 years of age on the first day of the month in which the applications are invited for recruitment of constables. 

Provided that for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Class categories relaxation of upper age limit of five years shall be given. 

(2) The minimum prescribed physical standard for candidate for recruitment as constable shall be as follows :- 

Height- Male (General category)172 Centimeter 169 Centimeter 

For eligible reserve categories as per latest existing Govt. Reservation Policy 
Chest- Male (General category) 83 Centimeter (Un-expanded) to 87 Centimeter (Expanded) 

81 Centimeter (Un-expanded) to 85 Centimeter (Expanded) 
For eligible reserve categories as per latest existing Govt. Reservation Policy

Height- Female General category- 160 Centimeter 
157 Centimeter For eligible reserve categories as per latest existing Govt. Reservation Policy 
The suitable relaxation in minimum physical standards may be granted by the Director General of Police for recruitment of outstanding sportspersons after recording reasons in writing. 
(3) The minimum educational qualification for a candidate to be eligible for selection as Constable shall be 10+2 for all categories. 
(4) The Director General of Police may, in special circumstances to be recorded in writing and with the prior approval of the Government relax sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) above, with respect to any class or category of persons. 
(5) No person shall be eligible for direct recruitment, if he is colour blind or flat foot or has knocking knees. 


(1) Percentage of vacancies: 

All vacancies in the rank of Constable and fifty percent of the total posts (both temporary and permanent) in the rank of sub Inspector shall be filled up by direct recruitment through Haryana Staff Selection Commission. 
Provided that three percent vacancies out of the vacancies to be filled up by direct recruitment shall be filled up from outstanding sportspersons. 
(a) The Haryana Staff Selection Commission may co-opt one or more technical experts such as serving or retired police officer (not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police) psychologists, doctors, subject matter experts etc. from time to time, to assist them. These experts shall be persons of repute in their respective fields having minimum 10 years experience. 
(b) The Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall be responsible for maintaining a computer-based Management Information System for managing the entire selection process including, inter alia, receiving the on-line applications, processing, keeping record of progress of each candidate throughout the selection process and preparing the result etc. 

(2) Requisition:- 

Whenever there are sufficient number of vacancies for direct recruitment, the Director General of Police shall after the approval of the State Government, send the requisition to the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. 

(3) Public notification: 

On receipt of requisition from the Director General of Police, the Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall notify the vacancies atleast fifteen days prior to the last date for submission of application in atleast two prominent daily newspapers in the State one of which shall be in Hindi and the other in English. The advertisement shall give detail of vacancies, mode of application and the eligibility conditions etc. The other details shall be posted on the official websites of Haryana Staff Selection Commission. 

(4) Applications: 

(a) Applications with prescribed fee shall be received online. The information submitted online by the candidates shall be final. Multiple applications received from the same candidate shall be identified and the application last received within the prescribed period shall be entertained. 
(b) Roll number shall be allotted to the eligible candidates and put on the official website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Once the roll numbers is allotted, the candidate shall be able to generate bar-coded Admit Cards to join the process of selection. 

(5) Physical Screening Test (PST): 

(a) All candidates shall be put to a Physical Screening Test carrying maximum fifteen marks to judge their physical fitness and endurance. The standards prescribed for this test shall be as under:- 

Candidates                   Test distance        Qualifying Time
1.    Male                        5.0 Kilometer        25 minutes
2.   Female                     2.5 Kilometer        15 minutes
3.   Ex.-serviceman          2.5 Kilometer        13 minutes
Note : RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) or any other superior and reliable technology shall be used to ensure reliability of this test at the discretion of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.   

Note : RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) or any other superior and reliable technology shall be used to ensure reliability of this test at the discretion of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. 

(b) The responsibility of having the requisite medical fitness to undergo this test shall rest upon the candidate. 
(c) The candidates who fail to meet the standards prescribed for PST shall stand eliminated from further selection process. 
(d) The candidates who qualify the standards prescribed for PST shall take part in the further process of selection. Such candidates on the basis of their performance in PST i.e. time taken by them to complete the prescribed test distance shall be awarded marks as per the scale prescribed hereunder:-
PST-Performance score
Qualifying Time- (in minutes)
 Male    Female   Ex.-Servicemen   Marks
25         15         13                     10
24         14         12                     11
23         13         11                     12 
22         12         10                     13
21         11         09                     14
20         10         08                     15
(e) The result of Physical Screening Test shall be prepared by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall display the same on its official website expeditiously. 

(6) Knowledge Test: 

The detailed procedure of Knowledge Test shall be as follows: 
(a) All those candidates who qualify the Physical Screening Test shall be given a Knowledge Test of 60 marks comprising of objective type, multiple choice questions with a provision of negative marking. 
(b) The Knowledge Test shall be of the objective type having 100 multiple choice questions of 0.60 marks each and of ninety minutes duration. It shall be held simultaneously for all eligible candidates. The medium of examination shall be Hindi except where the knowledge of English language of the candidates is to be tested. For each incorrect answer 0.15 marks shall be deducted. 
(c) The test paper shall include questions on General studies, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Reasoning, Current affairs, Numerical ability, General science, Aptitude, relevant field / trade etc. The standard of questions shall be as expected of an educated person having passed 10+2 examination of Board of School Education, Haryana for the post of Constable and Graduation from a recognized university for the post of Sub- Inspector. 
(d) The question papers shall be prepared and got printed with utmost secrecy. There shall be more than one different series of same set of question paper and no two adjacent candidates in the examination hall shall have the same series of question papers to avoid copying. The answer sheets shall be designed for Optical Mark Recognition scanning. Carbonless paper shall be used for duplicate answer sheets. The candidates shall carry the duplicate copy with them after the Knowledge Test is over. The process of distribution of sealed question papers and Optical Mark Recognition sheets to various examination centers shall be decided by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. The process of Knowledge Test shall be video-graphed to the extent possible. The process shall be designed in such a manner so as to conceal the identity of the candidates from the evaluation staff. The candidate shall also affix his thumb impression on the Optical Mark Recognition sheet to avoid impersonation. 
(e) As soon as Knowledge Test is over, the answer sheets collected from each examination centre shall be put in sealed covers. These covers shall be put in boxes and again sealed and carried over to the evaluation centre(s). 
(f) The answer key shall be made public on the official website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission after the test expeditiously. 
(g) At the evaluation centre, the boxes containing answer sheets shall be opened only by a Committee nominated by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. The Optical Mark Recognition answer sheets shall be scanned and the result saved in the database. 

(7) Scrutiny of documents:- 

(a) The category-wise combined score achieved in Physical Screening Test and Knowledge Test of the last candidate on the list of candidates numbering twice the vacancies shall be ascertained. All candidates scoring five marks less than the said score or more marks shall be called for scrutiny of documents. All other candidates shall stand eliminated from the further process of selection. 
(b) Claim of reservation benefit or for relaxation and /or for extra marks if any, shall be admissible to only those candidates, who submit the requisite valid original certificates for scrutiny, in support of their claim before Physical Screening Test and Interview cum Personality test failing which, they may be considered under general category provided they are otherwise eligible. Information in this regard will be displayed on official website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. 

(8) Physical Measurement Test (PMT):- 

(a) The candidates after the scrutiny of documents shall undergo Physical Measurement Test as per standards prescribed under Punjab Police Rule 12.15 (2) read with 12.16 (8) (c). 
(b) To make the entire process of the Physical Measurement Test tamper proof, fair and impartial, standard digital measurement devices shall be used to the extent possible, in a manner that the candidates are able to read their measurements on a digital display monitor. The result of Physical Measurement Test shall be prepared by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall display the same on its official website expeditiously. 
(c) In order to recognise and promote excellence in Human Resource, the candidates who possess any extra height over and above the minimum prescribed standard for recruitment shall be awarded additional marks, called ‘Advantage score’ as per scale prescribed hereunder : 
PMT-Height (Advantage Score)
Height in Centimeters
(Male)                          (Female)                 Marks
172                            160
General Category         General Category        10
169 to 172                       157 to 160
For eligible reserve categories as per latest existing Government Reservation Policy
175                                 163                      11
178                                 166                      12
181                                 169                      13
184                                 172                      14
187 and above                  173 and above       15
 (9) Interview-cum-Personality Test (I-PT):- 
(a) Candidates who qualify the Physical Screening Test shall be called for Interview–cum-Personality Test on the basis of their combined scores in (Physical Screening Test + Knowledge Test + Physical Measurement Test), upto maximum three times the number of vacancies advertised in each category. 
(b) The Interview test shall be of total ten marks. Further distribution of ten marks for the Interview test shall be as follows: 
(i) Education (maximum 02 marks): Candidate with higher education i.e with Graduate degree shall get one mark; while, candidate with Post Graduate degree shall get total 02 marks. 
(ii) NCC Certificate (maximum 03 marks): Candidate having highest NCC certificate of A , B or C, level shall get 01, 02 and 03 marks respectively. 
(iii) Interview cum Personality Test (I-PT) test (maximum 05 marks). 

(10) Result of Examination:- 

(a) The names of successful candidates in the order of merit on the basis of aggregate marks achieved by the candidates in (PST+KT+PMT+ I-PT) shall be arranged by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission equal to the total number of vacancies advertised for each category separately. 
(b) In case two or more candidates have the same aggregate score, the order of merit shall be determined by the higher score achieved in the Knowledge Test. 
(c) Whereas two or more candidates have the same aggregate score as well as the same score in Knowledge Test also, the order of merit shall be guided by the age of the candidate, i.e. the oldest being placed higher than the younger ones. 
(d) Further where two or more candidates have the same aggregate score as well as the same score in Knowledge Test and their date of birth is also same, the order of merit shall in favour of the candidate having higher educational qualification. 
(e) The Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall recommend the names of successful candidates equal to the total number of vacancies requisitioned in each category, separately to the Director General of Police for enrolment. The list of candidates so recommended shall also be put on the official websites of Haryana Staff Selection Commission and Haryana Police. There shall be no waiting list. 
(f) The appointing authorities shall ensure medical fitness and verification of characters and antecedents before appointment. Vacancies advertised, if any, remaining unfilled because of rejection of candidates on medical grounds or character and antecedents verification or otherwise shall be considered in next recruitment. 

(11) Special Recruitments:- 

The above procedure of recruitment shall not apply to the appointment of the children of deceased police officials as constables under the ex-gratia scheme, if any of the Haryana Government. It shall also not apply to the recruitment of Constables in specialized wings of Haryana Police viz; Telecommunication wing, the Haryana Police Commando Force, the State Crime Record Bureau, the Band and Buglers Staff, the Mounted Police, Dog squad, Cyber Cell and officials with special qualifications or experience and to other specialized wings which are sanctioned or may be created / sanctioned by the Government in future. The procedure for these specialized wings shall be such as approved by the State Government on the recommendation of Director General of Police.” 


Recruits Medical Examination:- 

Candidates who are finally recommended for appointment as Constable shall be got medically examined by the Civil Surgeon. A certificate in the prescribed form (10.64) signed by the Civil Suregon personally, is an essential qualification for enrolment. The examination by the Civil Surgeon will be conducted in accordance with instruction issued by the Health Department and he will test the eye sight, speech and hearing of the candidate, his freedom from physical defects, organic or contagious disease or any other defect or tendency likely to render him unfit, and his age. The conditions of police service make it necessary that the medical examination of candidates should be strict. Candidates shall be rejected for any disease or defect which is likely to render them unfit for the active duties of police officer. 


Verification of character and antecedents:- 

(1) The appointing authority shall send the verification forms of candidates recommended for appointment by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission to the district police and Criminal Investigation Department with a copy to the District Magistrate for the verification of character and antecedents, as per Form No. 12.18 and Government instructions issued from time to time on the subject. 
(2) The candidate shall disclose the fact regarding registration of FIR or criminal complaint against him for any offence under any law along-with the current status of such case in application form and verification cum attestation form irrespective of the final outcome of the case. Non-disclosure of such information shall lead to disqualification of the candidature out-rightly, solely on this ground: 

Provided that where a candidate, who as a juvenile had earlier come in conflict with law and was dealt with under the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, shall not suffer any disqualification on account of non-disclosure of this fact either in application form or verification cum attestation form

(3) Where the appointing authority upon verification of character and antecedents of the candidate recommended for appointment comes to know that criminal proceedings against a candidate is in progress and the status of the case is reported to be either under investigation or challaned or cancelled or sent untraced or withdrawn or under trial or has either been convicted or acquitted or the candidate has preferred appeal against the order of the court; the appointing authority upon verification shall deal with the cases of candidates reported to have criminal cases registered against them and to the matters connected therewith as stated hereinafter; 
(a) Where, a candidate is found to have been convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude or punishable with imprisonment for three years or more, shall not be considered for appointment. 
(b) Where charges have been framed against a candidate for offence(s) involving moral turpitude or which is punishable with imprisonment of three years or more, shall also not be considered for appointment. 
(c) Where, the candidate has disclosed the fact regarding registration of criminal case as described under sub-rule (2) above, and where the status of any case at the time of verification of antecedents of the candidate by local Police is found to be either as ‘withdrawn by the State Government’ or ‘cancelled’ or ‘sent untraced’ or ‘acquitted’ for any offence, under any law, such candidate shall be considered for appointment in Haryana Police: 
(d) Where the ‘cancellation report’ or ‘an untraced report’ in a case against a candidate has been submitted by the investigating agency in the competent court of law, the appointment shall be offered only if approval / acceptance of such cancellation or untraced report has been accorded by the trial Court. 
(e) Where the candidate has been acquitted in offences related to sovereignty of the State or national integrity i.e. spying against national interest / waging war against the State/act of terrorism/communal disturbance/smuggling of arms, ammunition or Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances or counterfeit currency etc. besides heinous crimes e.g. murder, rape, dacoity, robbery, kidnapping for ransom, acid attacks, human trafficking, Protection of Child from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 etc., ‘on technical grounds’ i.e. where, in the opinion of the Court the star/material prosecution witnesses have either been killed or have died or remained untraced or turned hostile or won over and the candidate has been acquitted on account of aforementioned circumstances; such candidates shall not be considered for appointment. 
(4) If it is ever revealed that a candidate has got appointment either by concealment of facts or by furnishing false or wrong information or by submitting fake or forged document / certificate, he shall be discharged from the service by the appointing authority from the date of appointment, summarily i.e. without holding a regular disciplinary proceedings, treating him ineligible for service and salary paid to him may also ordered to be recovered. 

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