2 Jan 2021

HTET Answer Key PGT Level 3 held on 02.01.2021

HTET 2021 Answer Key PGT Level 3 


निर्देश : निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने के लिए सबसे उ
31. वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द की दृष्टि से असंगत विकल्प चुनिए :
(1) किसी कथा के अन्तर्गत आने वाली कोई दूसरी कथा अन्तर्कथा
(2) सर्वाधिकार सम्पन्न शासक या अधिकारी अधिनायक
(3) बिना किसी प्रयास के - आयास
(4) जिसे शाप दिया गया है - अभिशप्त
उत्तर- (3) बिना किसी प्रयास के - आयास

32. किस विकल्प में 'आ' उपसर्ग का प्रयोग हुआ है ?
(1) आधिकारिक (2) आधुनिक
(3) आलम्बित (4) आरण्यक
उत्तर- (3) आलम्बित

33. शुद्ध वाक्य का चयन कीजिए :
(1) यह काम कोई वकील से ही हो सकता है।
(2) मैंने उनका धन्यवाद किया।
(3) कृपया दरवाजा बंद करने की कृपा करें।
(4) हम सभी में मानवीय दुर्बलताएँ हैं।
उत्तर- (4) हम सभी में मानवीय दुर्बलताएँ हैं।

34. अनिश्चित संख्यावाचक विशेषण चुनिए :
(1) पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में इस बार अधिक वर्षा हुई।
(2) सब्जी में थोड़ा-सा नमक डालिए।
(3) सारा काम मुझे ही करना होगा। 
(4) सारे देश आतंकवाद के खिलाफ खड़े हैं।
उत्तर- (4) सारे देश आतंकवाद के खिलाफ खड़े हैं।

35. किस विकल्प में अव्ययीभाव समास है ?
(1) विरोधजनक (2) कृपापूर्वक
(3) अवसरवंचित (4) स्वाधीन
उत्तर- (2) कृपापूर्वक

36. सकर्मक क्रिया युक्त वाक्य चुनिए :
(1) भिखारी मंदिर के बाहर चिल्ला रहे थे।
(2) मछलियाँ तालाब में तैर रही हैं।
(3) धावक सड़क पर दौड़ रहे हैं।
(4) बहन ने भाई को मिठाई खिलाई।
उत्तर- (4) बहन ने भाई को मिठाई खिलाई

37. किस विकल्प में 'इल' प्रत्यय का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है ?
(1) उर्मिल (2) मरियल
(3) फेनिल (4) जटिल
उत्तर- (2) मरियल

38. समास की दृष्टि से असंगत विकल्प छाँटिए :
(1) भयभीत - करण तत्पुरुष
(2) सेठ-साहूकार - समाहार द्वन्द्व
(3) विद्याहीन - अपादान तत्पुरुष
(4) स्वर्गगत - कर्म तत्पुरुष
उत्तर- (1) भयभीत - करण तत्पुरुष

39. जातिवाचक संज्ञा युक्त वाक्य नहीं है : 
(1) आजकल की पढ़ाइयाँ बहुत महँगी हैं।
(2) उँचाइयाँ नापनी हैं तो पर्वतों की सैर कीजिए।
(3) कभी-कभी बुराइयाँ ही अच्छाइयाँ बन जाती हैं।
(4) मैंने अनुभव किया है कि उसे ऊँचाई से डर लगता है।
उत्तर- (4) मैंने अनुभव किया है कि उसे ऊँचाई से डर लगता है।

40. विलोम की दृष्टि से असंगत जोड़े को छाँटिए :
(1) लंबा-नाटा
(2) अभिज्ञ-अनभिज्ञ
(3) अनुरक्ति-विराग
(4) सत्कार-तिरस्कार
उत्तर- (3) अनुरक्ति-विराग

41. किस विकल्प में व्यंजन संधि का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है ?
(1) चिदाभास
(2) वागीश्वर
(3) तदर्थ
(4) तिरोहित
उत्तर- (4) तिरोहित

42. वार्तनिक दृष्टि से अशुद्ध विकल्प चुनिए :
(1) मृत्योपरान्त
(2) योगिराज
(3) प्रोज्ज्वल
(4) प्रज्वलित
उत्तर- (1) मृत्योपरान्त

43. प्रत्यय की दृष्टि से असंगत विकल्प चुनिए :
(1) गृहस्थ + इक = गार्हस्थिक
(2) दिष्ट + इक = दैष्टिक
(3) अभिजात + त्य = आभिजात्य
(4) पाणिनि + ईय = पाणिनीय !!
उत्तर- (3) अभिजात + त्य = आभिजात्य

44. निम्न में से 'बकरी' का पर्याय नहीं है ? 
(1) वर्धकी (2) छागी
(3) अजा (4) छेरी
उत्तर-(1) वर्धकी

45. निजवाचक सर्वनाम युक्त वाक्य छाँटिए : 
(1) आप अत्यन्त आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व के स्वामी हैं।
(2) लड़के आप ही चले जाएंगे।
(3) आप लोग शान्त हो जाएँ।
(4) आप हुजूर ज़रूर पधारें।
उत्तर- (2) लड़के आप ही चले जाएंगे।


46. Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect continuous tense :
........thinks that Julie should be given the job.
(1) neither of us
(2) practically everyone
(3) A no. of people
(4) both (1) and (2)
Ans. (4) both (1) and (2)
Wrong Question

47. Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect continuous tense : 
She is one of the few people
(1) who I look up to
(2) whose I look up
(3) I look up to
(4) Both (1) and (3)
Ans. (4) Both (1) and (3)
Wrong Question

48. Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect continuous tense : 
Who ......... was coming to see me this morning ?
(1) you should say
(2) did you say
(3) you did said
(4) did you say that
Ans. (2) did you say
Wrong Question

49. The word 'juncture' means :
(1) in a joyous manner
(2) to put in danger
(3) to sound harshly
(4) point rendered critical by circumstances
Ans. (4) point rendered critical by circumstances

50. Choose the part of sentence that is grammatically incorrect :
The world's supply of oil is soon running out.
(1) The world's
(2) supply of oil
(3) is soon running out
(4) both (1) and (2)
Ans. (3) is soon running out

51. Fill in the blank with the correct option:
Of the two Novels, this is ........
(1) interesting
(2) more interesting
(3) interested
(4) much interesting
Ans. (2) more interesting

52. Choose the part of sentence that is grammatically incorrect :
That's twice I've been forgetting to bring my diary to work this week.
(1) That's twice
(2) I've been forgetting
(3) to bring my diary
(4) to work this week
Ans. (2) I've been forgetting

53. Fill in the blank with the correct option:
..., they slept soundly.
(1) Hot though was the night air
(2) Hot though the night air was
(3) Hot was the night air that
(4) Hot although the night air was
Ans. (2) Hot though the night air was

54. Change the narration :
He said, "I've been spending a lot more time with my children."
(1) He told me that he had been spending a lot more time with his children.
(2) He told me that he is spending a lot more time with my children. 
(3) He told me that he had spent a lot more time with his children.
(4) He said that he spends a lot more time with his children.
Ans. (1) He told me that he had been spending a lot more time with his children.

55. Fill in the blanks :
The growing number of visitors......... the footpaths.
(1) are damaging (2) is damaging 
(3) were damage (4) was damaged
Ans. (2) is damaging

56. Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect continuous tense:
He ......... for five hours.
(1) been slept
(2) is sleeping
(3) been sleeping 
(4) has been sleeping
Ans. (4) has been sleeping

57. Choose the grammatically correct sentence:
(1) No sooner we reached the station and the train arrived.
(2) No sooner did we reach the station than the train arrived.
(3) No sooner did we reach the station then the train arrived. 
(4) No sooner did we reach the station the train arrived.
Ans. (2) No sooner did we reach the station than the train arrived.

58. Change the sentence into passive : Someone has picked my pocket.
(1) My pocket is picked.
(2) Somebody picked my pocket.
(3) My pocket pick by somebody.
(4) My pocket has been picked.
Ans. (4) My pocket has been picked.

59. To have a bee in the bonnet' means :
(1) to know perfectly 
(2) something you are obsessed with
(3) not to take anything seriously
(4) to deviate from the point
Ans. (2) something you are obsessed with

60. Choose the option and arrange the following sentence in the correct order:
I. Resigned
II. To sack him
III. Had he not
IV. We would have been forced

(1) IV, III, II, I  (2) III, II, I, IV
(3) IV, II, I, III  (4) III, I, IV,II
Ans. (4) III, I, IV,II

General Studies-

61. Mr. X said about Mrs. Y, "Mrs. Y is the wife of the grandson of my mother." How is Mr. X is related to Mrs. Y ?
(1) Father
(2) Grandfather
(3) Husband
(4) Father-in-law
Ans. (4) Father-in-law

62. In an examination, 27% students failed in English and 38% failed in Science. If 19% failed in both the subjects, then the percentage of passed in both the subjects is :
(1) 46%
(2) 54%
(3) 62%
(4) 81%
Ans. (2) 54%

63. Next terms of the following number series are :
20, 20, 19, 16, 17, 13, 14, 11, ?, ?
(1) 10, 10 
(2) 10, 11
(3) 13, 14 
(4) 10,9
Ans. (1) 10, 10 

64. If Shyam writes down all the integers from 1 to 100, then how many times does he write 3 ?
(1) 19
(2) 11
(3) 20
(4) 21
Ans. (3) 20

65. A man rows upstream 13 km and downstream 28 km taking 5 hours each time. What is the speed of water ?
(1) 12 km/hr (2) 2 km/hr
(3) 21/2 km/hr (4) 3 km/hr 
Ans. (1) 1-1/2 km/hr

66. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2 :3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3. The ratio of their volumes are :
(1) 27:20
(2) 20:27
(3) 4:9
(4) 9:4
Ans. (2) 20:27

67. A man is performing yoga with his head down and legs up. His face is towards the west. In which direction will his left hand be ?
(1) North
(2) South
(3) West
(4) East
Ans (1) North

68. In how many years will a sum of Rs. 800 become Rs. 926.10 at 10% per annum interest compound half yearly ?
(1) 3 years 
(2) 12 years
(3) 4/2 years
(4) 2 years
Ans. (2) 1-1/2

69. After 5 years, father's age will be three times of his son's age. 5 years ago, father's age was 7 times of his son's age. The present age of the father is :
(1) 40 years
(2) 30 years
(3) 50 years
(4) 45 years
Ans. (1) 40 years

70. Find the wrong terms of the following series :
1CV, 5FU, 9IT, 15LS, 170R 9IT
(1) 5FU
(2) 91T
(3) 15LS
(4) 170R
Ans. (3) 15LS

71. If the selling price of 6 pens is equal to the cost price of 8 pens, then profit/loss in percentage is :
(1) 25% profit 
(2) 25% loss
(3) 33 % loss 
(4) 33-1/3% profit
Ans. (4) 33-1/3% profit

72. How many independent meaningful words can HEARTLESS' be divided into without changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once?
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
Ans. (3) 3 Wrong Question

73. In the first year, the population of a village increased by 5% and in the next year it decreased by 5%. If at the end of the second year, the population was 79,800, what was it at the beginning of the first year ?
(1) 79,800
(2) 80,200
(3) 80,000
(4) 79,600
Ans. (3) 80,000

74. Kamal walks 10 m towards North. From there, he walks 6 m towards south. Then he walks 3 m towards East. In which direction is he with reference to his starting point ? 
(1) West
(2) South-West
(3) North-East
(4) South
Ans. (3) North-East

75. The square root of
Ans. (1) 

76. Two taps A and B would fill a tank completely in 30 and 36 minutes respectively. Both taps being opened, find when the tap A must be turned off so that the tank must be just filled in 18 minutes ?
(1) after 15 minutes 
(2) after 12 minutes
(3) after 14 minutes
(4) after 16 minutes
Ans. (1) after 15 minutes

77. Among M, T, R, K and D, each having a different height, M is shorter only from T and D is taller only from K. Who will be the third tallest person among them ? 
(1) T 
(2) D 
(3) M 
(4) R
Ans. (4) R

78. The least square number, which is divisible by 8, 15 and 24 is equal to:
(1) 120
(2) 1800
(3) 3600
(4) 6400
Ans. (3) 3600

79. In a code language, 'DISTANCE is written as IDTATOEC and 'DOCUMENT is written as 'ODDMUFTN, then in same code language, THURSDAY will be written as : 

80. A is elder to B while C and D are elder to E. E lies between A and C and C is elder to B, then which of the following statements is necessarily true ?
(1) A is elder to C.
(2) C is elder to D.
(3) Dis elder to C.
(4) E is elder to B.
Ans. (4) E is elder to B

81. In which district of Haryana Tikkar lake' is located ?
(1) Rohtak
(2) Panchkula
(3) Karnal 
(4) Kaithal
Ans. (2) Panchkula

82. Rivulet, which is one of the tributary of Ghaggar: 
(1) Chautang
(2) Sahibi
(3) Dohan
(4) Indori
Ans. (1) Chautang

83. Who is the vice-chairman of Haryana Urdu Academy ?
(1) Gopichand Narang
(2) Kumud Bansal
(3) Chander Trikha
(4) Suraj Bhan
Ans. (3) Chander Trikha

84. Which city has its ancient name as Kanaud ?
(1) Mahendragarh (2) Ambala
(3) Kaithal (4) Sonipat
Ans. (1) Mahendragarh 

85. The award is given by the Haryana Government to the gold medal winner in the Commonwealth games :
(1) Three crore
(2) Two crore
(3) Seventy Five lakh
(4) One & half crore
Ans. (4) One & half crore

86. Who is the Chairman of the newly constituted 6th State Finance Commission of Haryana ?
(1) Vikas Gupta
(2) Rajesh Khullar
(3) P. Raghvendra Rao 
(4) T. V. S. N. Prasad
Ans. (3) P. Raghvendra Rao 

87. Where is the palace of Begum Samru located in Haryana ?
(1) Faridabad
(2) Sonipat
(3) Gurugram 
(4) Rohtak
Ans. (3) Gurugram

88. Vinesh Phogat is recently honoured with which National Award ?
(1) Dronacharya Award
(2) Arjuna Award
(3) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
(4) Dhyanchand Award
Ans. (3) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award

89. Who was the Collector of Rohtak during the uprising of 1857 ?
(1) Thomas Semton 
(2) W. Eden
(3) Adam Loch 
(4) Hudson
Ans. (3) Adam Loch

90. The assembly of Haryana, which has been constituted after the election of October, 2019:
(1) 12th
(2) 13th
(3) 14th
(4) 15th
Ans. (3) 14th

Child Development and Pedagogy

1. Which of the following is not the type of "Psychophysical Method" of study of Educational Psychology ?
(1) The method of minimal changes or method of limits
(2) The method of constant stimuli
(3) The method of average or mean error
(4) Modifying the individual attitude
Ans. (4) Modifying the individual attitude

2. An English teacher taught their students that plural of Cat is Cats, plural of House is Houses, plural of Penis Pens, in this manner student by mistake made plural of Mouse as Mouses. This is the example of which type of transfer of learning ?
(1) Positive transfer
(2) Negative transfer
(3) Zero transfer
(4) Vertical transfer
Ans. (2) Negative transfer

3. Which of the following is not the type of positive transfer of learning ?
(1) Lateral transfer
(2) Sequential transfer
(3) Horizontal transfer
(4) Zero transfer
Ans. (4) Zero transfer

4. Which of the following is not the type of life styles for the development of personality given by Adler ?
(1) Lazy type 
(2) Ruling type 
(3) Go-getting type
(4) Escaping type
Ans. (1) Lazy type

5. Murray's "Thematic Apperception Test" is related to which theory of personality ? 
(1) Trait theory
(2) Trait and Type theory
(3) Type theory
(4) Psychoanalytical theory
Ans. (4) Psychoanalytical theory

6. Who stated that "Psychology is the Positive Science of conduct of living creatures" ?
(1) Sir William Mc Dougall
(2) Sir Francis Galton
(3) Max Wertheimer
(4) William James
Ans. (1) Sir William Mc Dougall

7. Which of the following is not the characteristic of Adolescence ?
(1) Emotional Stability
(2) Contrasting Mental Moods
(3) Anxiety of Vocation
(4) Feeling of Hero worship
Ans. (1) Emotional Stability

8. Which of the following is not the symptoms of Good Memory ?
(1) Rapidity
(2) Average retention
(3) Accuracy 
(4) Recall of right material at right time
Ans. (2) Average retention

9. Which of the following is not the true characteristic of Adolescence ?
(1) Adolescence is transitional stage between childhood and adulthood.
(2) In adolescence there is a vague individual status.
(3) Adolescence is the threshold of adulthood.
(4) Adolescence is a time of realism.
Ans. (4) Adolescence is a time of realism.

10. Which of the following is objective determinants of Attention ?
(1) Interest
(2) Habit
(3) Curiosity
(4) Duration of stimulus
Ans. (4) Duration of stimulus

11. Which of the following is not a type of Personality given by Sprenger in values point of view ?
(1) Theoretical
(2) Economic
(3) Asthetic
(4) Athletic
Ans. (4) Athletic

12. According to the Cognitive Development Theory of Piaget, The basic building block of knowledge' is called :
(1) Schema
(2) Assimilation
(3) Accommodation
(4) Equilibration
Ans. (1) Schema

13. What are the basis of 'Self Concept'?
(1) Social Roles
(2) The Body Image
(3) Above (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above
Ans. (3) Above (1) and (2)

14. Which of the following is indirect method of measurement of motives ?
(1) Sentence completion technique
(2) Questionnaire
(3) Checklist
(4) Interview
Ans. (1) Sentence completion technique

15. Which Psychologist presented scientific description of 'Individual differences' in his Book 'Hereditary Genius'?
(1) Allport
(2) Biggi and Hunt
(3) Jean Piaget
(4) Sir Fransis Galton
Ans. (4) Sir Fransis Galton

16. What is the approximate weight of the Brain upto 16 year age ?
(1) 750 gm to 900 gm
(2) 1200 gm to 1400 gm
(3) 1000 gm to 1200 gm
(4) 800 gm to 1000 gm
Ans. (2) 1200 gm to 1400 gm

17. Which of the following is the subordinate law of learning given by Thorndike ?
(1) Law of readiness
(2) Law of exercise
(3) Law of mental set
(4) Law of effect
Ans. (3) Law of mental set

18. A statement of knowledge or skills that student should master after instruction, is known as: 
(2) An individualized educational programme (IEP)
(1) A content analysis
(3) An instructional objective 
(4) General Aims
Ans. (3) An instructional objective

19. Which of the following is not the truc characteristic of Development ?
(1) Development involves changes
(2) Early Development is more critical than later development
(3) Development Patterns are unpredictable
(4) There are individual differences in development
Ans. (3) Development Patterns are unpredictable

20. Which of the following is not the element of creativity as given by Guilford ?
(1) Fluency
(2) Incubation
(3) Flexibility
(4) Originality
Ans. (2) Incubation

21. Which of the following orientation falls under the post convention level of Moral Development Theory propounded by Kohlberg ?
(1) Punishment and Obedience
(2) Social contract
(3) Good boy/Nice girl 
(4) Law and Social order
Ans. (2) Social contract

22. Which of the following is Direct Method of Adjustment ?
(1) Repression
(2) Regression
(3) Withdrawl and Submissiveness
(4) Rationalization
Ans. (3) Withdrawl and Submissiveness

23. 'Knowledge is constructed by transforming, organizing and re-organizing previous knowledge.' This best explains the idea of which of the following ?
(1) Piaget
(3) Freud
(2) Vygotsky
(4) Bandura
Ans. (1) Piaget

24. Which is the fifth stage of Personality development according to Erikson ?
(1) industry v/s inferiority
(2) identity v/s role confusion
(3) intimacy v/s isolation
(4) generativity v/s stagnation
Ans. (2) identity v/s role confusion

25. How many cards are used in Rorschach Inkblot Test ?
(1) 10
(2) 12
(3) 15
(4) 28
Ans. (1) 10

26. Which of the following is not the Freud's Psychosexual stage ?
(1) Phallic stage
(2) Autonomy stage
(3) Anal stage
(4) Oral stage
Ans. (2) Autonomy stage

27. Which of the following is I.Q. Range of 'Moderate mental retarded children?
(1) 52 to 67
(2) 36 to 51
(3) 20 to 35
(4) below 20
Ans. (2) 36 to 51

28. Which of the following concept is not related with Bandura's Social
Learning Theory ?
(1) Modeling
(2) Adaptation
(3) Imitation
(4) Observational learning
Ans. (2) Adaptation

29. Which of the following is not the characteristic of introverted thinking type personality as given by Jung ?
(1) Self Centered
(2) Optimistic
(3) Absorbed in his own intellectual pursuit
(4) Support Theory with facts
Ans. (2) Optimistic

30. What is the ranking ratio given by Sheldon for predominant endomorph person according to physique ?
(1) 7-1-1
(2) 1-7-1
(3) 1-1-7
(4) 4-4-4
Ans. (1) 7-1-1

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