29 Jan 2016




The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has notified that HSSC has conducted the Physical Screening Test for the post of Female Ex-servicemen constable (General Duty) against Advt. No 8/2015, Cat. No. 3 and Male Ex-servicemen constable (General Duty) against Advt. No 8/2015, Cat. No. 4 during the period from 19.1.2016 to 21.1.2016 in Panchkula. Certain ESM and DESM/DFF candidates have made the representations that they have wrongly applied against Cat. No. 01 for the post of Male constable (General Duty) and Cat No. 2 for the post of Female constable (General Duty) against ESM category. There is no separate reservation provided in the Category No. 1 and Cat, No. 2 for ESM/DESM/DFF candidates and there is also no relaxation which can be allowed under Cat. No. 01 and Cat. No. 2 for such candidates. 
Therefore, ESM, DESM/DFF candidates who have applied against Cat. No. 01 and Cat. No. 2 shall be considered only against cat. No. 1 and cat. No. 2, if they are found eligible. Such candidates who do not want to be considered only against ESM category i.e. Female ESM Constable (General Duty) Cat. No 3 & Male ESM constable (General Duty) Cat. No. 4 against Advt No. 8/2015 and have wrongly applied, they are advised to make a representation in this regard and also send the same through Email i.e. secretaryhssc01@gmail.com. Such candidates should also fillup prescribed proforma on the Commission website i.e www.hssc.gov.in through their respective logins. 

It has further come to notice that certain Ex-constable of disbanded Haryana Stab Male Ex- industrial Security Force (HSISF) have applied against Cat No. 4 viz servicemen Constable (General Duty) and Female Ex-servicemen Constable (General Duty) against Cat. No. 3 presuming themselves to be Ex-servicemen. Attention of such persons is invited to Advt. No. 8/2015, wherein it was clearly mentioned that they were entitled to one time relaxation in age beside relaxation for qualifying Physical Screening test standard equal to the standard prescribed for ESM candidates only during this proposed recruitment process. Therefore, such Ex Constable of disbanded Haryana State Industrial Security Force (HSISF) can be considered only against Cat. No. 1 viz. Male Constable (General duty) and against Cat. No. 2 viz. Female Constable (General Duty) alone and they cannot claim any benefit towards Female Ex-servicemen constable (General Duty) cat. No. 3 and Male Ex-servicemen Constable (General Duty) (lat. No. 4. Therefore, such candidates urho have wrongly applied against cat, No. 3 Female ESM constable (General Duty) and Cat. No. 4 Male ESM Constable (General Duty) should also make an application for change of category to cat. No. 1 viz. Male constable (General Duty) and cat. No. 2 viz. Female constable (General Duty) in writing to the secretary, HSSC and also send the same through email to secretary, HSSC. such candidates should also fillup prescribed proforma on the Commission's website i.e www.hssc.gov.in through their respective logins. 

Last date to Send change Requests-

All such requests for change of category should be received up to 06.02.2016. No request for change of category shall be entertained thereafter. 
lf any applicant in any category of posts has any objection to permitting the change of category as mentioned above then they can file the objection with the Secretary HSSC through email i.e. secretaryhssc01@gmail.com before 6.2.2016, which shall also be considered on merit before deciding the requests for change of category. 

For more information visit the official website www.hssc.gov.in

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